Wheel Alignment

Incorrect alignment can result in rapid irregular tyre wear and can even affect the handling and safety of the vehicle. Wheel alignment can be affected by driving against a curb, hitting a pothole in the road or by excessive wear to steering or suspension components. Alignment of wheels and tyres to the specification required by your vehicle is an important way to guarantee a smooth ride and to get the most out of your tyres.


The direction and angle at which tyres are set are both important. Wheel alignment or 'tracking' involves checking the direction and angle against vehicle manufacturers' specifications. These are often described as toe in, toe out, positive camber or negative camber.

Free Check And Only £30 To Set Up With Laser Alignment Equipment

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Tyre and Exhaust Services

Unit E2

Warelands Way Industrial Estate





Telephone: 01642 232474



Opening times

8:30 - 5:30 Monday To Friday

 Saturday Closed

Sunday Closed

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